Sunday 19 October 2014

Meditation - for inspiration, clarity and creativity

Isn’t it strange that just when you start wanting to find out about something new in life, the topic just keeps presenting itself everywhere you look?  This happened to me just recently, when a friend of mind was getting rid of some old books and asked if I would like any of them.  I found one on meditation, which I knew I just had to read. 

In many of the books, blogs and articles I’ve read on different topics throughout this year, there has been the common thread of the benefits of meditation.  Whether I am reading about wealth creation, life coaching, career coaching, living slowly and simply, or building resilience the practice of meditation has been attributed to achieving a sense of purpose, de-stressing and refreshing yourself and focusing energy.  I just had to know more about meditation, and find a way to incorporate it into my life.

Most people associate meditation with stillness of the mind, and the Buddhist practice of emptying the mind of all thoughts.  But meditation doesn’t have to be the absence of thoughts.  It is about finding a relaxed state – totally relaxing your body and mind and just being in the moment.  I like the idea that in meditation I can just let my thoughts come and go, without needing to restrict them.  The most important part of meditation is that you let your body completely relax.  Having some thoughts or images to contemplate such as through guided meditations allows any inspiration or messages from the Universe to come through. 

In the book that I picked up from my friend, it details methods for how to get your body in a relaxed state that will enable you to achieve the best results from the meditation.  I like sitting comfortably on the couch or lying in bed, with my eyes closed and taking a few deep breathes, in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Some guided meditations I have listened to ask that you breathe in and out to the count of 5.  Others aren’t so prescriptive about the counting of your breath, just that you notice your breathing ….. in slowly and out slowly…. and that it’s comfortable.  I also get into a relaxed state by making myself aware of each part of my body, from my head to my toes.  When I do this, I feel aware of the tension that I’ve been holding in each part, particularly tightness in my face.  I tell my body to soften, to feel light and gentle and to let go of any tension, relaxing the muscles.  Once I’ve concentrated on each part of my body from head to toe, I then like to use a meditative visualization to move me into a deeper sense of being, and perhaps focus on finding a solution to a particular issue I’m dealing with.  There are heaps of youtube videos on meditation with calming music, or guided imagery.  I like the mediations by Deepak Chopra and The Honest Guys.  Everyone is different, you need to find something that resonates with you, for the results you are looking for.

I have started to set aside half an hour a day for meditation.  Morning works best for me, as I find I’ll fall asleep if I try to do it at night!  I might take just 20 minutes or half an hour, depending on how easy it is to get into a relaxed state of mind and body and which visualisation I choose to do.  Tom Cronin is a finance broker turned meditation advocate living in Bondi Sydney, and on his blog he recommends taking 2 of the 72 20 minute blocks available in the day for meditation.  For a perspective on why meditation is important for mental and physical health, Tom’s story is particularly interesting, and you can find out more here.

There are many known benefits of meditation, such as:

-          Better focus

-          Lower blood pressure

-          increase in creativity

-          increase is compassion

-          Better memory

-          Less Stress

-          Increased immunity

Need any more convincing?  Click here to find out 100 benefits of meditation!

I have found that through meditation I feel calmer throughout the day, even under very stressful situations.  I find that I can communicate more effectively, with greater clarity.  I have also found that when I need to I can create a positive influence on a group of people, such as in the office – particularly when I have sensed tension previously – at home, and even via meetings over the telephone!  I put this down to meditation assisting me to raise my energy vibration…. I’m just beginning to explore this, so more on raising vibrations later!

So why not go on and try meditation for yourself. All you need is 20 – 30 spare minutes a day and the changes to your life can be immediate and significant.  If you have already been meditating I’d love to hear about your technique and how it impacts your life.  You can post a comment below or contact me at .

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